Benefits of Using MiSight for Myopia Management

Myopia, often referred to as nearsightedness, is a common vision condition where objects up close appear clearly while distant objects seem blurry. This condition is typically caused by an elongated eyeball, which results in light being focused in front of the retina, instead of directly on it. Myopia management involves strategies and treatments to slow down the progression of myopia in children and young adults.

The Rise of Myopia: Why Management is Crucial

We are currently witnessing an alarming rise in the prevalence of myopia globally, a trend attributed to increased screen time and decreased time spent outdoors. According to the World Health Organization, myopia and high myopia are projected to affect nearly 5 billion people and 1 billion people, respectively, by 2050. This only underscores the urgency of effective myopia management.

Unmanaged myopia does not only affect vision but also significantly impacts the quality of life. Children with myopia often struggle with their academic performance due to visual challenges. Additionally, the risk of developing severe eye conditions later in life increases exponentially with high levels of myopia.

What is MiSight?

MiSight is the first FDA-approved soft contact lens designed specifically to slow the progression of myopia in children between the ages of 8 and 12 at the initiation of treatment.

MiSight lenses work by focusing light in front of the peripheral retina, which is believed to reduce the stimulus causing myopia progression. They are easy to use, comfortable to wear, and can be worn daily like regular contact lenses.

The Role of MiSight in Myopia Management

MiSight plays a pivotal role in myopia management. By wearing these lenses, the progression of myopia in children can be significantly reduced, leading to a better quality of life and lower risk of developing severe eye conditions later in life.

What sets MiSight apart is that it offers a proactive approach to managing myopia. Instead of merely correcting the refractive error, it actually addresses the underlying cause of myopia progression, offering a more comprehensive and effective treatment solution.

The benefits of MiSight for myopia management are backed by extensive research and clinical trials. In a three-year clinical trial, children who wore MiSight lenses had their myopia progression slowed by an impressive 59% on average compared to those who wore conventional soft contact lenses.


Aside from slowing down myopia progression, other benefits of MiSight include improved visual acuity, reduced reliance on glasses, and enhanced self-esteem, especially among children.

Why MiSight is a Leading Choice for Myopia Management

Effective myopia management can significantly reduce the risk of developing severe eye conditions later in life. MiSight offers a safe, non-invasive, and effective solution to slow down the progression of myopia, improving the quality of life for those affected by this condition.

For more information on the benefits of using MiSight for myopia management, visit Eyecare Rockwall at our Rockwall, Texas, office. Call (972) 472-2020 to schedule an appointment today.

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